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WIP: Dr. Fantastik Part V (Final)

He’s become Dr. Fantomas, for Dr. Fantastik seemed too superhero-ish for a Tabat story. Final story came to 6650 words, and I’m pleased with it. Recent reading that may have influenced it include Anthony Trollope’s Can You Forgive Her?, John Hawkes’ The Blood Oranges, and Mary Roberts Rinehart’s Dangerous Days (free on the Kindle!).

The title of the story has become “The Ghost-Eater” as well.

Before retiring for the night, he unshuttered the window, exposing a view of the restaurant’s rear courtyard, an expanse of wrought iron tables, chained to the fence as though someone were worried that they might go walking about.

He sat upright. The moon hit the window almost as bright as witchlight when first summoned. What had called him out of sleep? Some noise in the dining room, rhythmic as hammer blows but more muted. Footsteps? Perhaps.

He put on his breeches, head tilted as he tried to listen. The noises continued, stopped, restarted.

The door opened of its own accord. Charlotte. Beckoning him to follow.

She preceded him down the hallway. There was little light in its confines, but when she opened the door to the kitchen, everything was moonlight and steel, the rims of the great soup pots shining like rounded scimitars, the rack of cleavers and knives varying from the length of his forearm to the smallest paring blade possible, the tiles of the floor like moonstones underfoot, sending up a muted dazzle that mirrored the steel’s.

Enjoy this sample of Cat’s writing and want more of it on a weekly basis, along with insights into process, recipes, photos of Taco Cat, chances to ask Cat (or Taco) questions, discounts on and news of new classes, and more? Support her on Patreon.

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Want to get some new fiction? Support my Patreon campaign.


"(On the writing F&SF workshop) Wanted to crow and say thanks: the first story I wrote after taking your class was my very first sale. Coincidence? nah….thanks so much."

~K. Richardson

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How to Critique: Best Practices for Workshopping

Abstract image to accompany blog post about critiquing stories by speculative fiction writer Cat Rambo.
If you're interested in getting your stories workshopped, click on this picture in order to find out more about My Writing Fantasy & Science Fiction Stories online class. There's also an Advanced Workshop, as well as classes focusing on individual aspects of writing, like description, characters, and fleshing out stories.
Both my Writing F&SF Stories and Advanced workshops offer students a chance to critique and be critiqued. To my mind, the latter is actually more useful, because being forced to articulate one’s position on an aspect of writing can be enlightening and instructive. With that in mind, here’s some best practices for such workshops.


  1. Start with what works. Let the writer know what you see as the story’s strengths and how they might capitalize on them.
  2. What keeps you from connecting with the story? What don’t you understand? Sometimes the most useful thing you can give someone is a brief synopsis of what you think is going on in the story, because it may not match their intent.
  3. Critique big ticket items, not little nitpicks.
  4. It’s more important to point out what’s broken than to make suggestions how to fix it, because that fix will differ radically from writer to writer.
  5. How do the beginning and ending work together to create a satisfying story? Is the story that’s provided the one the one promised in the beginning? Is the ending set up in a satisfying way? Is it the result of character actions?
  6. What’s missing? What don’t you understand?
  7. What seems extraneous, unneeded or distracting?
  8. What’s the pacing like? Where does the story drag and where does it skip too quickly through details?
  9. Where are the info-dumps and how can that information be spread out?
  10. How well does the title work? If not well, what possible better titles can be drawn from the story?


  1. Are the characters likeable?
  2. Are the characters acting or reacting?
  3. Does the character have a point of identification with the reader, such as a problem, situation or want that both of them hold?
  4. Where can we go deeper into the character’s head? Does the reader know what the character wants? Where don’t we understand what the character is doing?
  5. Are there too many characters? Can any be combined?
  6. Is the dialogue interesting and informative of character?
  7. Is the point of view consistent?


  1. Is the world clear? Does the reader know where they are?
  2. Does it feel generic? (Is it?) How can it be made more specific and evocative?
  3. Does it make sense?
  4. How important is the science of it? Are the facts right?
  5. Where should we know more?
  6. Where can the world come forward more?
  7. Where can more sensory detail be worked in?
  8. Is the culture interesting and also make sense?

Enjoy this writing advice and want more content like it? Check out the classes Cat gives via the Rambo Academy for Wayward Writers, which offers both on-demand and live online writing classes for fantasy and science fiction writers from Cat and other authors, including Ann Leckie, Seanan McGuire, Fran Wilde and other talents! All classes include three free slots.

Prefer to opt for weekly interaction, advice, opportunities to ask questions, and access to the Chez Rambo Discord community and critique group? Check out Cat’s Patreon. Or sample her writing here.


Near+Far: Big Plans

Mysterious Silver Writing on Black Paper
My life is filled with scraps of paper, all of them written upon.
As you may or may not know, I’ve got a short story collection coming out this fall, Near+Far. It’s all SF, and we’re using the Ace Double format for it: one side features all near-future stories; flip it over to find the far future ones.

I’ve been plugging away at a g’normous spreadsheet: compiling reviewers and book bloggers and interviewers and all that sort of stuff. Whew. So what am I doing to ramp up to publicize the book?

  • Finding reviewers interested in speculative fiction, particularly short stories.
  • Organizing a six week blog tour leading up to the book launch.
  • Organizing interviews and guest posts.
  • Writing a “How you can help” sheet to send to people who might help publicize the book.
  • Making give-away items using some of the interior art. They will be supercool!
  • Setting up podcasts for some of the stories.
  • Planning book-related events for September and October, including readings in Indiana and Maryland.
  • Working on some electronic stuff that is still Top Sekrit. 🙂

And then there’s getting the book together, too…It’s like a little circus, all contained on a single spreadsheet.

If you’re a blogger or reviewer interested in participating in any of that, please let me know!


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