I first discovered Rumi’s work when I was in graduate school. It spoke to me in a way that few other poems had, seeming to pluck out the questions I had and showing me that the answer was already there.
What:Translation is an art form, and Coleman Barks’ translation does the poet justice. Rumi was a 13th century Persian mystic poet who may well be the most popular poet in America, given how often lines of his poetry show up on Pinterest.
Who: I cannot think of anyone who would not benefit from this book, particularly if you like poetry.
Why: Read this if you’re interested in simple language presenting wild and wonderful ecstasy. Read it if you’re wondering where you belong in the world or what you should be doing in it. Read it for lines that will linger with you.
When: Read this when you are first falling in or out of love. Read it when your soul is thirsty.
Where and how: Read this in intervals, taking time to savor each piece and turn it over in your head.
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