Whether set in terrestrial oceans or on far-off space stations, Cat Rambo’s masterfully told stories explore themes of gender, despair, tragedy, and the triumph of both human and non-human alike. Cats talk, fur wraps itself around you, aliens overstay their welcome, and superheroes deal with everyday problems.
The thematic elements in these stories are married beautifully with Rambo's distinct, visceral writing that subtly courts the reader in preparation for the gut punch of raw emotion. These stories are speculative fiction at its best, where the fantastical is mirrored in the reality of human (and non-human) life.
It's a clever conceit quite nicely executed, and absolutely impossible to carry over to e-book format. All of this clever design would be pointless if the stories were no good -- fortunately, Cat Rambo is a great storyteller....If you want some really excellent stories, get the e-book. If you also want a physical object to warm the heart of any print-book collector, go for the paper version. Either way, you won't be disappointed.
If you've read Cat Rambo before, you'll know what to expect: her prose is smooth as a dream but often hides an incredibly sharp, emotive edge. At times, she gives more depth to a character in a handful of pages than many novelists manage in hundreds. Thematically, there's a lot of depth here too, but the author has a light touch with this, making most of these stories the kind you'll want to read, let simmer for a while, and re-read.
In "Porcelain," a multiverse story in miniature, you have perhaps the most finely crafted piece of the collection. The shock of regret that I did not publish this was very keen: this is Cat Rambo at her best....Great collection. Very worth your time and treasure to get a copy.
(science fiction, flash story) They kept telling us what high ratings his show was getting. All of us bit players should be proud, the producers said. When he couldn’t see us, we celebrated, giving each other high fives while we waited for him to appear and pass. When he came into sight, we’d act as we’d been instructed. He wasn’t to know that it was a show.
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