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The Wayward Wormhole lands in Spain

Information about the Wayward Wormhole Intensive Writing Workshop

There’s a stillness atop Sant Bartomeu hill that settles my bones and calms my brain. At 998 meters above sea level, I lean against a centuries-old stone wall, part of the Castell de Llaés, and look across the fields below. Thirty-nine km to the right is a second hill of 1025 meters, where I can see remains of the castle of Besora as it sits alone with its past. In the other direction, at 961 meters, sits the medieval remains of Castell de Milany. With the slightest effort, I lower a cellophane sheet over the scene and add people in tunics walking with horses wearing baroque saddles. A second overlay adds dusk and wispy tendrils of cloud to the picture. Torches flare along the castle walls to both sides of me, and the glow of a central fire, ready to send messages across the gap between them as night descends. -Janet K. Smith

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"If you’re looking to live and work beside your favorite authors, connect with other talented writers, and push your craft to the limit in a fantastic location, this is an opportunity you can’t afford to miss. The Wayward Wormhole rewired my brain in the best way. I left the workshop feeling like I had a deeper, more nuanced, and (most importantly) actionable understanding of how to take my writing to the next level. It was a turbo-injection of inspiration, motivation, support, and camaraderie. It’s unlike any other writing workshop out there. I’m so grateful I had the chance to attend."

~Cyrus Fisher

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Wayward Wormhole: Getting to the Castle

An update from Janet, who has been working away at answering questions.

The Wayward Wormhole just made getting to the castle a (w)hole lot easier by meeting you at the airport! Cat and I will head to Barcelona Airport and wait for your flight. We’ll both help with luggage and get you to the shuttle that takes us to the train station. I’ll make the trip to Vic with you and then drive you to the castle. Cat Rambo will stay at the airport, greet the next group of students, and escort them to Vic, where I’ll be waiting to drive back to the castle.

Why would we do this?

1. You are important to us plus the trip is long and generally annoying””we can help make it easier.

2. Your visit will cover a minimum of twenty-two days. That’s a lot of underwear. Yes, the castle has two washing machines, but you’ll want a few changes of clothes and other stuff, so you’ll most likely travel with more than a carry-on bag. We can help with that.

3. Traveling with someone familiar with the trip reduces anxiety, and who doesn’t need a little less anxiety these days?

Do you need to get to the castle this way? No.

Will we provide detailed instructions if you want to travel on your own? Of course, we will.

What does the trip from the airport to the castle entail? To travel the 75 miles (121 km) you’ll need to do the following:

– Take the shuttle bus from the main airport to Terminal B. They travel back and forth constantly.

31 minutes.

– Terminal B has a large train station. A train to Vic leaves every ten min. or so from 4:20 am to 10 pm. By a ticket (approx. 14 euros), catch a train.

1 h 20 minutes.

– At Vic, a car will meet you at the train station and drive you to the castle. 45 minutes.

It’s a long day, so we hope you arrive a day or two early and rest up before Sarah Pinsker gets a hold of you on November 1st.

Got any questions? Email me at janetwaywardwormhole@gmail.com


Addendum from Cat: When Janet suggested this, I immediately agreed. I’m happy to be there to greet people. There’s a great little cafe there and I plan to bring a notebook and enjoy a bocadilla and some coffee while hanging out. The airport is mid-sized, and well-marked. I’ll have my cellphone handy should you need to ping me for guidance. The train ride is pretty easy and pleasant – so much to look at!


Glimpses from the Wayward Wormhole: Castle Refuges

Here’s another moment from Janet:

A month in a castle in Spain sounds lovely. But add the idea of talking and being around fifteen other people 24/7. It’s enough to make the more introverted reconsider their need to write in a castle””if””it weren’t for the multitude of balconies, cubby holes, and garden (or graveyard) spaces where one can go to read or write in private. Writers need time to think. So on our preview of Castell de Llaés, we looked for those special places where a person could reflect and recharge.

You can find a quiet place inside or outside at castle level or discover the perfect balcony that balances both. Every side of the castle offers views to satisfy every mood and the tranquility to mellow even the most angst-ridden muse. Being from British Columbia, I like seeing the Pyrenees mountains, and I can’t help but imagine the people who marched from France and attacked Castell de Llaés in 1635.

Below the castle, there’s ground cover and grasses, perfect for tucking in with a good book or capturing one of the stories that swirl through the air above us.

Join us and stake out your own private nook.


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