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What Colors for Worldcon? You Decide.

Picture of pink phlox and orange snapdragons.I’m headed to LoneStarCon3 at the end of August and here’s some of what I’m looking forward to:

Here’s your options, all Manic Panic colors:

After Midnight
Atomic Turquoise (currently at 4 votes)
Bad Boy Blue
Blue Moon (currently at 10 votes)
Electric Amethyst
Electric Banana
Electric Lava
Electric Lizard (currently at 1 vote)
Electric Tiger Lily (currently at 1.5 votes)
Enchanted Forest
Fuchsia Shock
Green Envy
Infra Red (currently at 10 votes)
Lie Locks
Mystic Heather (currently at 21 votes)
New Rose
Pillarbox Red
Pretty Flamingo (currently at .5 votes)
Psychedelic Sunset
Purple Haze (currently at 31 votes)
Red Passion
Rockabilly Blue
Rock and Roll Red
Shocking Blue (currently at .5 votes)
Ultra Violet
Vampire Red
Vampire’s Kiss
Venus Envy
Violet Knight (currently at .5 votes)
Voodoo Blue (currently at 12 votes)
Wildfire (currently at 1.5 votes)

28 Responses

  1. So far elsewhere I’ve got one vote for Voodoo Blue (Athena Andreadis on Twitter) and ten for Purple Haze (Clarion West donor Francis Rowat).

  2. Another vote for Purple Haze. It looks great as streaks with whatever that fuchsia color is as a base color. The blues were always disappointing for me. They look awesome on application but fade fast.

    1. I’ve been splitting votes when people mention multiple ones, so I’ll do that with yours. So far Purple Haze is well in the lead but it remains to be seen yet what will accompany it.

      And that is the most awesome mohawk EVER.

  3. I’ve added Matt and Yadi’s votes (Yadi gets 10 as a Clarion West Writeathon sponsor of mine – if you sponsor me this week, drop me a line so I know to weight your vote). So far Purple Haze is clearly in the lead, partnered with Mystic Heather and Blue Moon. Remember I’ll pick the top three. 😉

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"(On the writing F&SF workshop) Wanted to crow and say thanks: the first story I wrote after taking your class was my very first sale. Coincidence? nah….thanks so much."

~K. Richardson

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Norwescon 2013 Schedule

Surviving the Slush Pile
Thursday 4:00pm-5:00pm Cascade 2
If the editor doesn’t read past the first page, it doesn’t matter how good the rest is. How to quickly capture and hold a slush reader’s attention.
Cat Rambo, Gardner Dozois, Jenna M. Pitman, Keffy R.M. Kehrli

Steampunk: What Is It and Why Is It So Popular?
Thursday 5:00pm-6:00pm Cascade 3&4
Steampunk has been referred to as “the Future Trend of Science Fiction” but is the subgenre merely a return to the classics as spun by Verne and Wells? Join our panelists as they look at recent works of Steampunk, share their opinions of what makes Steampunk different from the work of the founding fathers of Science Fiction, and why the genre is so appealing.
Cat Rambo, Chelsea M. Campbell, Corry L. Lee, Karen Kincy

Writing What You Don’t Know
Friday 11:00am-Noon Cascade 7
Many writers have heard the advice to “write what you know”. But, have you really met any dragons, or robots, or zombies, or vampires? How do you write about something that you haven’t experienced personally? Tips for how to (and how not to) use research and common sense to improve your writing.
Stina Leicht, Cat Rambo, Corry L. Lee, Michaelbrent Collings

Cat Rambo reads A Cavern Ripe With Dreams
Friday 2:00pm-2:30pm Cascade 1
An excerpt from the novella. Rated G
Cat Rambo

Your Anti-Procrastination First Aid Kit
Friday 5:00pm-6:00pm Cascade 2
Do you love to write but don’t get as much writing done as you’d like to? Conquer your fears… and your rough draft.
Cat Rambo, Dennis R. Upkins, Ellen Forney, Marta Murvosh

The Comeback Genre: Sword & Sorcery
Sunday 2:00pm-3:00pm Cascade 7
Sword and Sorcery has a rich history, going back to at least Howard and Smith. And it’s making a comeback. Our panelists talk about its rich history and why it’s back and better than ever.
Bart Kemper, Cat Rambo

Reasons to Leave Your Cave
Sunday Noon-1:00pm Cascade 6
Should writing be a solitary profession? How can authors banding together improve their careers? Or is the writing community a distraction from work?
Cat Rambo, Chelsea M. Campbell, Jack Skillingstead, Kevin J. Anderson


Where I'll Be: WorldCon 2018

Thursday I will be at the SFWA board meeting. Huzzah! That evening I’m planning on swinging by the Chinese Science Fiction Party.

Friday, August 17

8-10 am SFWA Business Meeting SJCC 210DH Light breakfast will be provided. Come hear about all the amazeballs stuff we’re up to!

11 AM Successfully Negotiating Book Contracts SJCC 211C
A publisher’s interest and an author’s are not always in perfect alignment. Enter the contract. Each clause in the contract exists for a reason. Which ones protect an author’s interest and which ones benefit the publisher? How do you ask for changes? What are the rights an author should be prepared to give up and which ones should you fight tooth and nail for. Hear from agents and other industry experts on how to survive your book contract negotiation with your skin, and your rights, intact.

12 PM Walter Day Trading Card Event

1 PM Un-pulping the Pulp Heroes SJCC 211C
Doc Savage. The Shadow. G8. Tarzan. The hero pulps are full of characters immersed in fast-paced action, but they sometimes come across as problematic or naive to modern readers. It can be uncomfortable to recognize the sexism or racism of their day. And yet, there are still things that we love about pulps. How have pulp heroes influenced contemporary SF writers (in surprising and strange ways)? How are writers currently reinventing and subverting pulps?

3 PM What Can SFWA Offer Me SJCC 210F
Learn what SFWA has to offer authors at all stages of their careers, from networking opportunities to sample contracts to the grievance committee. SFWA’s officers will provide an update on what SFWA is doing and where the organization is going and answer questions from potential (or current) members.

Saturday, August 18

11:30 AM Private lunch

1 PM Autographing

2 PM Idea Vs. Story SJCC 212D
The common question “where do you get your ideas” baffles most writers, because the ideas are all around them. The question should be, “How do you go from an idea to a story.” In this deep dive, we look at techniques to do just that.

5 PM Chasing Shadows: Living in Our Transparent Society SJCC 210B
Camera phones are ubiquitous, security cameras monitor many street corners, drones scout the skies, police wear bodycams, facial recognition technology is developing, and social networking allows everyone to keep an eye on everyone else. Is it the surveillance nightmare of Big Brother, or has our technology made possible a realm of sousveillance, where we can monitor those in power and keep them in check? What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a brave new world, bathed in light?

6-8 PM SFWA Suite


9 AM Patreon/Student/Buddies breakfast
Mail me for details, still setting this up, will NOT be fancy. 😉

11:30 AM Private lunch

4-8 SFWA Suite

Most of the time you will find me in the SFWA suite but I’ve listed the times I will definitely be there!


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