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Travel Update, Mid-August

I've taken a ton of pictures along the way, but haven't had a lot of time to sit down and go through them all. I'll post some of the best ones when I get the chance.
Huzzah! We drove across America and it was an awesome trip, with lots of visits with good friends and relatives. Today we head off to NYC for a few days, after some time with the godkids, and sometime next week we head off to Costa Rica, where we have a lovely place on the beach secured for a month and the price is great because it’s rainy season. I’ve been practicing my Spanish and getting ready.

The major frustration of the road has been trying to get time to write. I find it takes me a while to get started and in the flow when I write, and for those of you writing in scraps and odd bits of time snatched from kids and jobs and other concerns – I don’t know how you do it, but I salute you. I’ve got a story simmering and partially written, which I really want to send out as the next Patreon installment, so I need to get butt in chair and finish writing it in the next couple of days. Contemporary horror, set in Western Kansas. (I know my cousins will appreciate the last bit.)

Here’s a tiny bit to whet people’s appetites. If you want to read it when it’s done, you’ll need to support the Patreon campaign. 😉

Penny saw the sign coming east along route 70. Yellow letters on a background the color of drying blood. 50 MILES – PRAIRIE DOG TOWN ““ WORLD’S LARGEST PRAIRIE DOG ““ BISON ““ KIT FOXES ““ BADGERS ““ FIVE-LEGGED STEER. Another sign followed it: BRING THE KIDS. GIFT SHOP!

She suppressed the urge to snort and glanced at the rental car’s gauges. She would have rather flown, but driving, she could carry gear with her the airlines wouldn’t have allowed past. Or would have arrested her for, much more likely. She might look like an ordinary, slightly heavy middle-aged woman, but the contents of her suitcase were suited to a world-class assassin.

Which she was, of course.

I’ve also been working on some nonfiction, including mulling over some posts on things like writer etiquette, self-publishing, and the idea of writing for “exposure” (which I am not a big fan of, and will explain why.) Stay tuned for some of those in the next couple of months.

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Want to get some new fiction? Support my Patreon campaign.


"(On the writing F&SF workshop) Wanted to crow and say thanks: the first story I wrote after taking your class was my very first sale. Coincidence? nah….thanks so much."

~K. Richardson

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Links from the Blogging 101 Class - Google+ Links

As I said in class, no one knows yet what will happen with Google+, but it’s off to a very strong start, and the responsiveness of the Google team to feedback and suggestions has been remarkable. For those of us already using Google products like Gmail, Google docs, and Google Analytics, it’s looking pretty promising. Here’s links mentioned in class along with some other links to useful Google+ information.

Mentioned in class:
Google+ Cheat Sheet:
Mashable’s Complete Guide to Google+:
Google+ Privacy Settings:

Useful Information:
5 Chrome Extensions for Google+:
5 Ways Journalists Are Using Google+:
Google+ as a Professional Communications Tool:
Google+…minus Women, Kids, and Businesses:
How to Integrate Google+ into Your WordPress Site:
Make Google+ look like Facebook:
How to Make a Google+ Desktop App:
How to Add Profile/Post Search for Google+ in Chrome:
How Google+ Ends Social Networking Fatigue:
Is Google+ a Bigger Threat to Twitter than Facebook?:

Interesting reading:
Controversy over Google+’s insistence on using real names:
Who is Using Google+ and How Often:
Long-running Google Hangout:
Why Google+ Kicked Out William Shatner:


For Your Amusement

I was working on this a few months ago and set it aside for when I had more time, but thought people would find it amusing. My intent is to split it into a fiction and nonfiction version to point people at when applying for freelancing jobs.

Cat Rambo Promo


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