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Fiction Reading: An Appetite for Love

This piece of flash fiction originally appeared in Sybil’s Garage Issue Five.

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Want to get some new fiction? Support my Patreon campaign.


"(On the writing F&SF workshop) Wanted to crow and say thanks: the first story I wrote after taking your class was my very first sale. Coincidence? nah….thanks so much."

~K. Richardson

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Chez Rambo in the Time of the Pandemic, mid-July Check-in

Wow, it’s been a long time since I last checked in. By now, pandemic existence seems somewhat normal. We have masks, plastic gloves, and sanitizer by the doorway; we’ve been out for fast food maybe once a month and felt quite daring about it. The move to Portland is on hiatus for now as we wait to see how the world shakes out.

I have a StoryBundle up today, focused on glitter and hope! Please check it out and spread the word.


  • I’m wrapping up the final edit of Exiles of Tabat and am on track to hand that in to the publisher on July 31.
  • After that I’ll spend August working with Devil’s Gun and getting ready to hand that in at the end of the month.
  • I’m up to installment 12 of serial novella Baby Driver, have found a publisher for it, and am also working on a comics script, while thinking about eventually funding that via Kickstarter as a comic book series.
  • Forthcoming stories include “I Decline” in Daily Science Fiction and “Crazy Beautiful” in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, as well as a story I co-wrote with my spouse in issue three of Dark Matter Magazine, “Stand and Deliver.” Anthology publications include “Snowflakes” in The Last Cities of Earth.
  • I’m one of the three writers behind And the Last Trump Shall Sound, which appears in August, and I’m beyond the moon at the chance to work with James Morrow and Harry Turtledove. Thank you to David Boop for acting as our development editor.
  • Also in the pipeline: an awesome space western collaboration; the final Tabat book, Gods of Tabat; book three of the space opera series, tentatively titled Flower Power; a 3/4s-written novella I’ve been tinkering with; at least three other novellas I would like to be tinkering; and a literary horror novel.

Other Non-Writing Stuff:

  • I have an anthology project in the works and am establishing some of its structure. Stay posted for announcements and slush reader calls.
  • I’m also thinking about a game module set in Tabat after having listened to Monica Valentinelli talking about adapting novels into games in her class last weekend.
  • Continuing to build my Patreon, which is currently at 241 patrons (!), who are getting fiction, snippets, Zoom events, co-writing, chat server access, and free/discounted Rambo Academy classes.
  • Finishing up the on-demand version of Writing Your Way Into Your Novel. There’s some other cool on-demand classes in the works from Evan J. Peterson and Jamie Lackey, along with others!
  • I started some little bonsai trees and have named two of them, Groot and Augustus.
  • Continuing to sous-vide all the things. Recently have been making homemade sandwich bread as well as my own butter. One recent success: garlic chili oil


Useful Gifts for Writers: Various Kinds of Notebooks

Buying a notebook for a writer? There’s so many to pick from, and you can opt for the one that best suits your recipient’s writerly type.

Writers who love the muse will appreciate fancy leather-bound ones. Ones to write spells and incantations in. Ones that tie up with a leather cord and whose thick pages drink in the ink. There’s a ton of these on Etsy; here’s a particularly nifty-looking one. Here’s a vegan alternative as well.

Writers who like to make lists may enjoy notebooks with graph paper. These are good notebooks for your list and bullet-point writer. Does this writer love spreadsheets? Give them this. Or if they’re a gamer, get them a hexagonal one.

Nostalgic writers may like notebooks that call up memories of classrooms and scrawled pencil writing. Notebooks that could have held treasure maps or lists of the books you wanted to buy from the Scholastic catalog. Here’s a supercute little one for the programmer in your life.

Artist’s sketchbooks for those lucky writers who can draw as well as write — or maybe who just love a big blank page. Get ones with high-quality paper, where ink won’t bleed through. These are for your doodlers, the people whose notebooks have little faces and flowers in the margin. Poke around and look at different sizes. Maybe get them something huge or else so tiny they can slip it in a pocket.

Notebooks for pen lovers are usually ones with paper that take inks well, but actually, just get them pens of their favorite kind. Or perhaps a nice holder so they can carry their beloved pens about.

Notebooks for those writers conscious of their literary posterity should be a bit more formal. Get them a lovely personalized notebook with their name embossed on the cover. Or make your own by buying a notebook and decorating it for them. Write little notes of encouragement in the margins. Tell them how much you love their stories, how much you want to read them.

Are you a writer not sure what to do with all those notebooks people keep giving you? FInd out how to use them to spur your creativity and write things worthy of them in Fran Wilde’s online workshop, Journaling for Creativity, which happens next on Sunday, December 20, 2020, 1:00-3:00 PM Pacific Time.


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