I had 20 original stories come out. Here’s the list, if you want to look for some of them.
- DAILY SCIENCE FICTION, November, 2013. Just the Facts: A Zombie Story.
- DAILY SCIENCE FICTION, October, 2013. Flying Matilda (with Gio Clairval).
- DAILY SCIENCE FICTION, October, 2013. Superhero Art.
- ABYSS & APEX, October, 2013. The Toad’s Jewel.
- WHAT FATES IMPOSE, edited by Nayad Monroe, September, 2013. To Read the Sea.
- SIGNS OF LIFE, September, 2013. Mystery in Metal.
- GLITTER AND MAYHEM, edited by Lynne Thomas and Michael Damien Thomas, September, 2013. Of Selkies, Disco Balls, and Anna Plane.
- EVERY DAY FICTION, August, 2013. Three Wishes.
- BEYOND THE SUN, edited by Bryan Thomas Schmidt, July, 2013. Elsewhere, Within, Elsewhen.
- DAILY SCIENCE FICTION, July, 2013. On the Big-Fisted Circuit.
- THE MAD SCIENTIST JOURNAL, June, 2013. Prophetic Lobster Man.
- CLOCKWORK PHOENIX FOUR, May, 2013. I Come From the Dark Universe.
- THE JOURNAL OF UNLIKELY ENTOMOLOGY, May, 2013. Of Spiders, Centipedes and Holes.
- SQ MAGAZINE, April, 2013. A Man and His Parasite.
- THE OTHER HALF OF THE SKY, edited by Athena Andreadis and Kay Holt, April, 2013. Dagger and Mask.
- DAILY SCIENCE FICTION, March, 2013. Soft.
- GIGANOTASAURUS, March, 2013. Logic and Magic in the Time of the Boat Lifts (with Ben Burgis).
- DAILY SCIENCE FICTION, February, 2013. Love’s Footsteps.
- FISH, edited by Carrie Cuinn, 2013. The Fisher Queen.
- EVERY DAY FICTION, January, 2013. The Passing of Grandmother’s Quilt.
My short story, “Five Ways to Fall In Love on Planet Porcelain,” appeared on the Nebula Ballot. Another first happened on that trip: got to see my charming spouse in a tux for the Nebula Banquet. The story has been reprinted into several different languages as well as in the Nebula Awards volume for 2013 edited by Kij Johnson.
I won an Ictineu Prize for the best fantasy short story translated into Catalan in 2012. The story was “Kallakak’s Cousins,” which originally appeared in Asimov’s, and was reprinted in my collection, Near + Far.
I wrote a nonfiction book, Creating an Online Presence, based on my online class of the same name. Classes overall have gone well, and I’ve even added a few more, including an advanced workshop that has been tremendous fun to teach.
I got a shiny new agent, the amazing Seth Fishman, and began shopping a novel around.
As a result of letting my blog readers determine my hair color for LoneStarCon, I’ve developed an unfortunate Manic Panic habit. I look forward to trying some additional new colors in the coming year.
I turned 50, which felt extremely weird. However, we had a rousing party for it over at the Wilde Rover in Kirkland, thanks to the party organization skills of Deanna Francis and Caren Gussoff. I felt extremely blessed to see so many of my friends in one place and realize what a great group I’m associated with.
In March, I began working with the moderating team for the SFWA private discussion boards. In some ways, it’s been a lot like working with the Armageddon MUD boards. But more cantankerous at times, which is saying a lot. Still, I was pleased to see, when looking at the logs, that traffic on those boards has literally increased tenfold. We’ve added a lot, and one effort that I’m very pleased with is the scheduled chats, which have been a lot of fun as well as very informative.
Time with my godkids is always golden. This year I accompanied them to Disneyworld in May and then got some additional time with them at Thanksgiving. Cutest, smartest, most wonderful kids in the world. 🙂
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