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What Do You Want to Accomplish?
Your Online Persona
Your Contact Database
Online Tool: MailChimp
How to Measure Success
What is Web 2.0?
Protecting Your Privacy
Your Website
At a Minimum
Your Name
Domain Names
Press Kits
What is a Blog?
Parts of a Blog
Parts of a Post
Choosing a Platform
Getting Started
Deciding What to Write About
Writing Your Post
Example of a Book Promotion Post
Example of a Convention Write-up
Comments from Other People
Content from Other People
Other Best Practices
Group Blogs
Other People’s Blogs
Monetizing Your Blog
Publicizing Your Blog
Online Tool: WiseStamp
Near + Far Promotional Posts, Annotated
Social Networks
Networking with Sincerity
How Much is Not Enough?
Best Practices
Online Tool: Namechk
Setting Things Up
Getting People to Take Action
Do You Need to Belong to Every Network?
Reviving Dead Media Channels
What It Is
Who’s the Mayor of Your Data?
Fan Pages
Best Practices
Facebook Metrics
What It Is
Your G+ Profile
Best Practices
G+ Tools and Shortcuts
What It Is
Best Practices
How Writers, Editors, and Publishers can use Pinterest
What It Is
Hashtags and Twitter Chats
Your Profile
What to Tweet About
Getting Followers
Getting Retweeted
Twitter Tools
Wordpress and Twitter
Twitter Metrics: Basic Metrics
Online Tools: Followerwonk
Online Tools: Klout
Other Social Networks
Webforums and Discussion Boards
Bookmarking Sites
Reddit: How Reddit Works
Reddit: AMAs
Reddit: How a Writer Can Use Reddit
Reddit: Communities
Stumbleupon: What It Is
Stumbleupon: Best Practices
What It Is
Best Practices
Reader Communities
Best Practices
Audio & Video
Podcasting – Audio
Podcasting – Video
Reasons to Use YouTube
Creating a YouTube Channel
Monetizing YouTube
YouTube Metrics
Search Engines
SEO Basics
Writing Copy with SEO Keywords
Investigating Keywords
Best Practices
Google Analytics
Best Practices
Other Metrics
Building Your Fan Base
Finding Your Fans
Encouraging Your Fans
Dealing With Trolls
Managing Your Time
Tracking Things
Online Tool: Rescue Time
Productive Procrastination
Mobile Devices
What It Is
Making Websites Mobile-friendly
Creating Mobile Apps
Windows Phone App Studio
Arguing on the Internet
If You Screw Up
Grouping Up
Managing Multiple Identities
Press Releases
Online Tools: QR Codes
Networks around Us
Self Promotion & Career Building
Selling More Books
Creating an Online Presence For Your Group
Teaching Writing Online
On Award Pimpage
Privacy Best Practices
Online Tools: URL Shorteners
Creative Commons Licenses
Online Tools: Wikis
Appendix: Sites Mentioned.
August 8, 2015 edit: Hey folks, Pinterest has changed their analytics. Here’s the resource I used to update mine: And for what it’s worth, I realized a lot of you were looking for info and stumbling across this through using them so they’re worth paying attention to!
Pinterest has rolled out Pinterest Analytics. To add it to your site in order to see what’s getting pinned, you need to verify your site. Here’s the instructions for doing so.
Pinterest Analytics
Some notes: even after I’d verified, Analytics wasn’t appearing in the upper right-hand corner as specified. I logged out and back in, and then chose the “Switch to the New Look” option. At that point, I went back and read the instructions and realized Analytics will not work until you have switched over to the new look, which to me seems pretty similar to the old look.
I didn’t see any data on there at first, just the message, “We don’t have any data yet! Please wait for us to calculate it for you,” but I could see the options: Site Metrics, Most Recent, Most Repinned, and Most Clicked, as well as an Export button (always so handy). A day later, the same message was still displaying, but when I drilled down to look at the past seven days, I found I did have some data for the time since I’d validated my website. Pinterest Analytics aren’t semi-real time, the way Google Analytics are. Today’s data is not available until tomorrow.
The Amazon Affiliate Program: What’s Changed Recently
You may have heard that Amazon has changed its terms for its affiliate program. Here is the change.
“In addition, notwithstanding the advertising fee rates described on this page or anything to the contrary contained in this Operating Agreement, if we determine you are primarily promoting free Kindle eBooks (i.e., eBooks for which the customer purchase price is $0.00), YOU WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO EARN ANY ADVERTISING FEES DURING ANY MONTH IN WHICH YOU MEET THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:
(a) 20,000 or more free Kindle eBooks are ordered and downloaded during Sessions attributed to your Special Links; and
(b) At least 80% of all Kindle eBooks ordered and downloaded during Sessions attributed to your Special Links are free Kindle eBooks.”
This affects people who rely on posting free books as part of their business model. The reason you’d drive traffic to free books is because Amazon’s rates change depending on the total number of books sold.
For example, let’s say I sell some books for Amazon by blogging about a book and pointing to Amazon with an affiliate link, a specially constructed URL that points to the book on Amazon. I get a very small percentage of each sale. That percentage can differ according to what merchandise it is, but it also differs according to how many items I’ve sold that month if it falls in the “General Product” category.
So let’s say I do that. Perhaps I mention that I often use Samuel R. Delany’s wonderful About Writing in teaching. Over the course of a month, three people buy the book (in my experience this is an optimistic estimate. Let’s say that’s all the traffic I drive this month. Because I’ve only sold 3, my percentage is 4%.
So what is Pinterest?
Pinterest describes itself as a virtual pinboard. You can think of it as a way to save links and organize them by image or you can think of it as a way to save and organize images. I like it because people often put together collections that are beautiful, disturbing, evocative, or worth reading.
Want access to a lively community of writers and readers, free writing classes, co-working sessions, special speakers, weekly writing games, random pictures and MORE for as little as $2? Check out Cat’s Patreon campaign.
"(On the writing F&SF workshop) Wanted to crow and say thanks: the first story I wrote after taking your class was my very first sale. Coincidence? nah….thanks so much."
(science fiction, short story) “I’ve decided to join the PsyKorps,” he said. “They say I’m qualified. One in a thousand has the physiology to accept a shunt. I have it.”
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